Human Resources Consultancy Service
At NCIC we take pride in our ability to identify and attract potentially qualified applicants for open positions. We also act in an advisory capacity to our clients on issues and challenges that impact their organization’s goals.
NCIC has the technical competencies and certifications enabling us to deliver world class services to our clients. We are committed to our clients and will provide our services to your satisfaction taking into account compliance with safety and utilization of local content in the execution of projects. Below is our list of HR Services:
- Recruitment and selection
- Outsourcing
- HR advisory & audit
- Learning intervention
Recruitment, Selection, and Outsourcing
NCIC prides its ability to identify and attract potentially qualified applicants for open positions. We understand that it’s a two way process, that is, both our clients and candidates are looking for a good fit. As a result of our due process, employee turnover is minimal. This has resulted in call backs from our clients.
Utilizing ExpertPlus, NCIC has been able to provide either individuals or a complete team of employees undertaking a wide variety of responsibilities on behalf of our clients. ExpertPlus provides a guarantee to clients.
HR Advisory & Audit
NCIC acts in an Advisory capacity to its clients on issues and challenges that impact their organization’s goals. NCIC also conducts Human Resources Audits to ensure clients are compliant in all aspects of HR.
HR Audits involve a company’s strategic action to take an objective look at its HR policies, procedures, and practices. This review can help identify whether specific practice areas or processes are adequate, legal and/or effective. Thus minimizing lawsuits and/or regulatory violations, as well as achieve and maintain competitiveness in key HR practice areas:
- Compliance
- Best practices
- Strategic
- Function specific
Learning Intervention
NCIC has always recognized the importance of benefits gained from Learning and transfer of knowledge through informal and structured delivery. Training is today’s most critical business tool that cuts across different business areas and professions.
The practical component is to identify the training need/gap and develop a real time solution that will meet your business goals and objectives. Remember, it’s all about value. Education must have value.
We utilize the various training methods that cut across traditional training and E-Learning. Our facilitators have many years of quality experience cutting across all industries. The intended goal is for participants to master the knowledge, skill, and behaviors emphasized in the training program and to apply them to their day-to-day activities.